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Update on the Indiana Tech Oral History Project

Thank you to all who have responded to the emails, postcards and phone calls from PCI (Publishing Company Inc.), our partner in this project. They have been diligently working to collect your information and capture short recorded interviews.

Let’s start this update with some project statistics:

  • Alumni who have participated in the project: 2,428
  • Number of alumni stories collected: 1,979
  • Updates to alumni information: 4,077
  • Institutional Advancement staff members excited about the project: 7, this is 100% of our team.

The Indiana Tech Oral History Project is exceeding our expectations thanks to your patience and participation.  The project’s first goal was to update as many records as possible in a short period of time. Indiana Tech is almost 100 years old. Files have been transferred from paper to image to digital records. Occasionally we find missing information. Alumni move and we lose track of contact information.  This project is proactively working to ensure that your data is accurately recorded in our alumni database.  With over 4,000 updates to alumni information this part of the project is accomplishing what we hoped it would.

The project’s second goal is to collect alumni memories. This is incredibly meaningful and has great value to the living history of Indiana Tech.  We hear your memories in your voice. With almost 2,000 alumni interviews recorded thus far, we know we are enriching our history. Again, thank you for your patience and participation in the process.

We hope that all alumni choose to participate in this project. Keep in mind that PCI is promoting the purchase of the physical project book (they are a directory company). You do not have to make a purchase to participate. You can confirm your alumni information and take part in the interview process without making a purchase. Indiana Tech will still get an update of your information and will keep your digitally saved memory on file.

The information gathering portion of this project will end in September. Thank you again for your patience and support of this project!

Missed the invitation to participate? Call 1.866.588.8760 and leave your contact information. You will receive a call back for an interview from the Oral History Project team. Depending on call volume, it may take a few weeks for them to connect with you.  If you have hearing difficulties or prefer to submit a written story, email me at and I will send you the link to your personal portal.

Purchased a Book? PCI should have emailed you instructions and a link to your client portal on the project website so that you can add a photo, review, edit and approve your story. Please complete this as soon as you are able.