A look back at Tech’s “best day of the year”
Why is commencement day Indiana Tech’s best day of the year?
Every year, we at Indiana Tech get to witness one of the most impactful life events one can experience and share in the triumphant, one-of-a-kind of celebration that goes along with it. It is a fitting way to end a long school year, and the joy it brings never gets old.
Commencement by the Numbers
Graduation by the Numbers
1,046 graduates
727 attendees
26 undergraduates
75 master’s graduates
241 graduates were from countries outside the United States
60 graduates were scholar-athletes
28 graduates were veterans or members of the military

Former Indiana Tech student, nationally renowned automotive dealer and philanthropist, Blaise Alexander, delivered Indiana Tech’s commencement speech this year. Learn more about Mr. Alexander’s return to Indiana Tech here.
Prior to the 2023 commencement ceremonies, each of Indiana Tech’s three colleges held programs to honor their outstanding graduates of the year. Here are Indiana Tech’s outstanding graduates for 2023:
College of Arts and Sciences
Audra King—Master of Psychology
Lakyn Edwards—Overall College of Arts and Sciences Student
Savannah Simmers—Biology
Lakyn Edwards—Child Development
Whitley Blake—Criminal Justice
Jenna Boucher—Digital Graphics
Savannah Emaus—Exercise Science, Pre-Professional
Samuel Harvey—General Studies
Hannah Ivers—Health Science
Darika Dawson—Psychology
Lily Greiwe—Psychology
Rylee Cripe—Recreation Therapy
College of Business
Marcus McChristian—Ph.D. – Organizational Leadership
Nikki Pham—Ph.D. – Higher Education Administration
Matej Krasny—Business Administration, Business Analytics
Chad Shaffner—Business Administration, Management
Robert Johnson—Management
Gregory Fugate—Organizational Leadership
Andrea Schriver—Overall College of Business Student
Andrea Schriver—Accounting
Fabian Granqvist—Business Administration, Entrepreneurial Studies
Marcus Hartle—Business Administration, Financial Services
Ryan Troxel—Business Administration, Financial Services
Kylee Carlin—Business Administration, Human Resources
Grace Nower—Business Administration, Human Resources
Corey Cavanaugh—Business Administration, Management
P. Tyler Sinclair—Business Administration, Sport Management
Cole Barney—Marketing
Connor Hendrickson—Sport Management
Talwar College of Engineering and Computer Sciences
Rose Sahawneh—Engineering Management
Noah Smith—Overall Talwar College of Engineering
and Computer Sciences Student
Noah Smith—Biomedical Engineering
Anh Nguyen—Computer Science
Tarek Kothdiwala—Cybersecurity
Jacob Grant—Electrical Engineering
Dan Miller—Electrical Engineering Technology
Juan Avellaneda Bohorquez—Industrial and
Manufacturing Engineering
David Beaham—Information Systems
Logan Brewer—Information Systems
Nicholas Gates—Mechanical Engineering
Axel Löw—Mechanical Engineering Technology
Grant Peer—Network Engineering
Isabelle Kreienbrink—Software Engineering