Students Blossom During Study Abroad Experiences
Courtney Shull’s goal as Indiana Tech’s study abroad coordinator is to help participants build leadership skills through increased cultural competency. After leading a two-week trip to Vienna and London in May, Shull felt the experience hit the mark.
“I am so glad I got to lead this trip,” said Shull, who also serves as Indiana Tech’s associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. “We traveled with two other schools, and one of the most amazing things for me to watch was not just seeing our Tech students immerse into different cultures, but also bonding with so many students they had never met prior.”
Shull chaperoned three Tech students—Andrew Smith, the 2022 graduate of the year from the College of Business’ entrepreneurial studies degree program, psychology major Lisette Valadez and criminal justice major Matt Frink—to learn about the history of European psychology.
“We visited places like Sigmund Freud’s homes and work places, both in Vienna and London, and his daughter Anna Freud’s office. We visited the home of Charles Darwin, Bedlam Psychiatric Archives and other museums to show how philosophy, medical history and studies of thought contributed to what we know today as the field of psychology,” Shull said.
In addition, the group attended a Jack the Ripper tour and enjoyed local cuisines, art museums and theater productions in London.
“We saw so much in those days it is hard to choose the best highlights. But for me, it was watching our students really immerse and adapt so quickly into different cultures. They engaged in the tours and asked great questions,” Shull said.
Assistant engineering professor Anna Nagel also led a group of eight Warrior students across the pond in May to learn about the tech sector in Dublin, Ireland, to think globally about science and innovation and to develop cultural competency. Her group included biomedical engineering majors Sadie Leatherman, Rebecca Lee, Samantha Potters and Noah Smith; computer science major, Darrell Martin; mechanical engineering major, Jacob Ritchie; and 2022 graduates Daniel Barclay (business administration-management) and Johan Nowak (health science).
“It was an amazing trip. We developed a better appreciation of the global presence of companies that we often think of as U.S.-based like Google and Meta. We also learned a lot about the history and culture of Ireland,” Nagel said. “Everyone had a good time and learned a lot. In addition to the group activities, learning to explore a foreign city on their own was a worthwhile challenge for the students.”
117 Warriors inducted into Alpha Chi

In May, 49 Indiana Tech students and 68 Indiana Tech alumni were inducted into the Indiana Lambda Chapter of the Alpha Chi National Honor Society.
Alpha Chi is a national college honor society for college juniors, seniors and graduate students of all academic disciplines. The society was founded in 1922 to promote and encourage academic scholarship by recognizing high-achieving students. Membership is limited to the top 10 percent of an institution’s juniors, seniors and graduate students.
Current Students
David Beaham
Robert Bennett
Abby Benya
Dalton Blessing
Logan Bloir
Steve Buckley
Kayla Bunkowske
Kylee Carlin
Sadie Clifford
Michael Coddington II
Mick Dockery
Athena Edwards
Blaine Flanigan
Karina Forshee
Melissa Gatewood
Lance German
Marek Grzelak
Nadia Hall
Andrew Harley
Linisa Harrison
Jessica Hartmus
Heather Hice
Riley Horvath
Theresa Jameson
Max Jenkins
Nick King
Sadie Leatherman
Heather Mancini
Avery Maslowski
Mallory McCauley
Danielle Minutillo
Daniel Napier
Angela Pena
Jason Pena
Matthew Rhinehart
Kelly Roach
Crystal Roy
Cassidy Rutledge
Kole Samsel
Joshua Schmidt
Noah Smith
Amanda Strosnider
Korissa Vanover
Ally Versluys
Joshua Webb Joseph Wilk
Amanda Woods
Theresa Bell
Christopher Bingham
Joshua Born
Scott Brown
Kalissa Buchanan
Ebony Carter
Aleksandra Charleville
Jacob Chiarodo
Patrice Conley
Eric Cross
Rebecca Daniels
David Davis
Laura Davis
Kenyetta Dean
LaToya Derrick
Clayton Dimmitt
Adam Drummond
Alexandra Forsythe
Gregory Fugate
William Gannon
Miranda Graber
Nadya Gerber
Gregory Groombridge
David Handell
Jesse Harris III
Christopher Hattery
Joshua Hattery
Thomas Hawkins
Calista Helinski
Elizabeth Herbert
Michelle Johnson-Holmes
Desmong Jones
Steve Kim
Andrew Lawrence
Tatianna Lawrence
Elliot Lawson
Mary Mapp-Moody
Martin Marquez
Alison Mendez
Megan Molnar
Branden Pritchett
Kyndall Pursley
Austin Purtee
Shanita Redd
Steve Richardville
Zachery Rider
Kristin Roe
Chazz Roger
Yokisha Rollins
Alexandra Ross
Heather Rowlett
Ivan Safranic
Alcides Segovia
Katelyn Smolucha
Fernando Sousa
Tracy Spencer
Laney Steckler
Adam Swanson
Virginia Thornton
Hannah Town
Vi Trinh
Kayla Turner
Jordyn Waters
Matt Wire
Soe Ya
Indiana Tech partners with organization dedicated to empowering at-risk girls
In April, Indiana Tech teamed up with Girlz Rock for a second straight year to present the Spring Bling STEM Camp at various sites in Fort Wayne for girls in grades 6 through 12. The free four-day experience is a program of Girls Rock, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to empowering at-risk girls and their mothers—ages 10 through 18—by providing activities and events that counter the societal pitfalls that commonly affect girls living in low to moderate income communities.
The opening day was dedicated to good nutrition with Indiana Tech professor of biology, Dr. Julie Good, and 2022 biology graduate, Nekeima Obike, leading the presentations. On the final day of the camp, Indiana Tech hosted a computer coding segment that featured engineering students and alumi from the university.
Learn more about Girlz Rock here.
Two from Tech attend national AAUW conference
In May, the Fort Wayne chapter of the American Association of University Women sponsored two Indiana Tech students, Marjia Allen and Liz Scott, to attend the 2022 National Conference of College Women Student Leaders. Each year, hundreds of college women from around the country attend the three-day conference for leadership training, inspiration and networking. Since 1881, the AAUW has been a tenacious and trailblazing advocate for women and girls in areas that include education, gender equity and economic security.